What we do

Service pipe flow and pressure testing

A flow and pressure test will generally take place during agreed works; however, it is also possible to do this during our estimate/survey visit if required.

What is service pipe flow and pressure testing?
We perform an industry test to determine the pressure and/or flow rate on your pipes. In order to do a pressure test we tend to use a pressure gauge from a gardening water tap to tell you what the pressure on your supply is, however please note if you do not have a garden tap we can generally find an alternative valve or source to test this from. Your flow rate in litres/gallons per minute can be measured quite simply at your kitchen sink.

For more information about service pipe flow and pressure testing, click here to contact us. Alternatively call or email us on 01865 876377 - info@talboysutilities.co.uk

Contact Us for more info on Service pipe flow and pressure testing
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Or if you would rather a phone call, tell us your number
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